Lifelike + Breakbot video

Two quick tip for today.

Lifelikes new EP Love Emulation up on soundcloud!
And the official music video for Breakbot - Baby I'm yours (really love that song)

Over and out!


Fuck Our Ordinary Lives (F.O.O.L) is two younglings from Sweden who makes this dark heavy electro, if you haven't heard about them before it's about time to do it right now.

They have just release a new track called Escape the Cave, check it and most of their other songs over at soundcloud and don't forget to become a fan at facebook.


Just came over this, some new finnish(!) producer. His first EP, called Thrills is just out and has some really great tunes. I will definitely keep an eye on this guy in the upcoming future.

So don't forget to grab the EP and show him some love over at myspace.

Koobra - Thrills
Koobra - Question
Koobra - It's you

FM Attack Astrowave EP

The fantastic FM Attack is back with a brand new EP. Atrowave is it called and you should definitely check it out!

01. A Million Miles Away

02. Saw Her Dancing

03. Old Skool Daze
04. Invisible

Junodownloads, itunes