It is time to sort out the best tracks of the year, a top 10 list is impossible so I have put together a top 30(!) list instead. It wasn't easy and I may have missed some tracks but here you have it, top 30 best tracks of 2011 by nightdrve.
30. DANGER - 9h19 (Youtube)
29. AutoLaser - Cebuella (Youtube)
28. Justice - AUDIO, VIDEO, DISCO (Youtube)
27. 16bit - Dinosaurs (Youtube)
26. Antichrist - Biker Bats (Youtube)
25. Nero - Reaching Out (Youtube)
24. Mille - Roadwraith (Soundcloud)
23. HAEZER - Fists In The Air (MP3)
22. Digikid84 - Rebel (Youtube)
21. SebastiAn - Arabest (Youtube)
20. Futurecop! - Far Away (feat. My Tiger My Timing) (Youtube)
19. Knife Party - Internet Friends (Youtube)
18. Subdue - Earthshrine (MP3)
17. Mord Fustang - Super Meat Freeze (Youtube)
16. Kill The Noise - Dying feat. Ultraviolet Sound & Emily Hudson (Brown & Gammon Remix) (Youtube)
15. Justice - Civilization (Youtube)
14. Feed Me - Pink Lady (Youtube)
13. Skrillex - First of the Year (Youtube)
12. Zomboy - Organ Donor (Youtube)
11. Porter Robinsson - Unision (Knife Party Remix) (Youtube)
10. F.O.O.L - Machine Gun (Zip It Up) (MP3)
09. M83 - Midnight City (Youtube)
08. Day After Discovery - Sky High (Youtube)
07. Kill The Noise - Talk To Me (Youtube)
06. Knife Party - Destroy Them With Lazers (Youtube)
05. Fear of Tigers - Hidup (Youtube)
04. Bobby Tank - Questar (Soundcloud)
03. Skrillex - Reptile Theme (Youtube)
02. Nero - Crush on You (Youtube)
01. Passion Pit - Sleepyhead (DAZE Remix) (MP3)
There you have it. Didn't expect DAZE to be on the first place did you? It was really hard to choose the number one track but in the end it had to be DAZE fantastic remix of Sleepyhead. It gives me such a summer feeling and it's the track I have returned to and listen to the most in 2011.
Thank you all for your support and I can't wait for 2012, it's going to be an awesome music year with albums from both DANGER, Kavinsky and many more.
I have some bigger plans for the blogs future too so stay tuned and don't go anywhere.
Happy New Year!